Trump’s ultimate plan is to shut down the Federal Department of Education, which enforces discrimination in programs and activities receiving federal funds and ensures equal access to education for everyone. What would happen if he were to actually go through with it? Well, in simple terms: it would be an absolute disaster.
First of all, the Department of Education funds the Special Education Department, which provides children with special needs educational support and services. Without the proper funds, the Special Education Department would either have to find another way to provide special services or completely disappear. It would greatly impact everyone involved, including the staff that would have to look for new employment and would also leave many children without their needed accommodations.
Secondly, the Department of Education also contributes to Title I schools, which are schools that come from low-income families to better the children’s education experience. Without the financial support of the Department of Education, Title I schools would most likely have to be either replaced or completely disbanded, leaving many Title I families having to find a new approach to their children’s education.
Trump’s administration will constitute a significant blow to education around the U.S., which would most likely be something that would take years to recover from if it has as much damage as the evidence suggests.